Hail Protector Media Coverage
The Portable Patented Hail Protector System has been featured on National Television in many countries, including 4 times in the USA.
The System has been featured on over 100 local newscasts and in over 600 print and online media features.
Hail Damage and Fear of Hail Damage is a serious problem. The Hail Protector System is a serious solution.
February 2013
HAIL PROTECTOR featured on ‘DAILY PLANET: INVENT THIS!’ on ‘DISCOVERY’ channel Canada. See everything from soup cans and coconuts to pave stones and a watermelon dropped from 30 feet onto HAIL PROTECTOR.
April 2017
April 2014
The Weather Channel interviews the developers of The HAIL PROTECTOR System, on multiple occasions, about its operation and benefits:
May 2013
HAIL PROTECTOR featured on KOKH TV FOX25 in Oklahoma City with 45 mph winds.
April 2014
Hail Protector featured on Kelly's "My 2 Cents" on CBS 9 in Oklahoma because of Kelly's hi-tech neighbor who bought a Hail Protector.

April 2016

May 2014

May 2013
HAIL PROTECTOR featured on KOCO TV ABC5 in Oklahoma City (45 mph winds)
November 2012
The History Channel, Invention USA puts Hail Protector to the test before launched to market with a cannon of huge ice chunks!
April 2017
HAIL PROTECTOR system featured on CBS DFW. Broken windows and dented vehicles after a hail storm could soon be a thing of the past thanks to an out-of-the-box invention from a North Texas man.
Here is a visual collage of just some of the media outlets featuring The Hail Protector System: